Public Outreach
Bankruptcy Judges and courts routinely engage in important public outreach efforts. Those efforts include financial literacy classes, pro bono assistance projects, Constitution and Citizenship Day events, naturalization ceremonies, bankruptcy law education for state court judges, and civics education programs.
The schools we assisted in Orlando were Meadow Woods Elementary School and Cypress Creek High School. Folks from IWIRC read from the Justice Sotomayor books to students at Meadow Woods on Oct. 18. On Friday Oct. 21, 2022, several judges spoke at an assembly at the high school about their paths to the bench (Judges Nami Khorrami, Mildred Caban, Charles Walker, and Laura Grandy). Their talk was preceded by playing a video of 4 h.s students and 1 elementary student interviewing Justice Sotomayor. The students had received copies of J.Sotomayor’s book(s) before the assembly (some read them as part of a summer reading project) and as they exited the assembly we gave them journals with NCBJ logo, so they could begin to describe their own paths and dreams.
Books were in Spanish and English.
The name of the Orlando Public Outreach project was “One Book, One Community Program” when we distributed Judge Sotomayor’s auto biography, My Beloved World as the summer reading for the older students, and distributed Justice Sotomayor’s children’s books to younger students called “Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be you” or “Turning Pages: My Life Story” in both Spanish and English. I wrote an article on this project.